I checked into the ES workbook. I have known for some time the Take Five Action Rule, as I got a Jack Canfield promotion freebie from LSC two years ago when I bought PR, I think. I believe these five actions can be the same everyday. For example, if you are into gardening, one daily action could be to weed a garden bed for 30 minutes. If you do this daily, after a month you will have done lots of weeding. Of course, you can insert also brand new goals every day, but this will be tricky. Also the goal should not be repetitive, like, if you are into network marketing, sending out the same promotional material to five different people.

I would not include into these actions routine chores like laundry, cooking, doing the dishes, driving to work, etc. I believe the action needs to be outside your chores.

I believe the goal of the five action is to make a person accomplish goals which are not carried out routinely. Some of them may become part of our routine, eg going out for a daily walk, if you are not used to do it.