How it was discovered that to get into alpha state or theta have to close your eyes, count down or imagine something ?
i know that there are fmri scanning brain devices now, that science discovered that best state to learn is alpha which is 10-12hz..etc....BUT HOW IT WAS DISCOVERED HOW CAN PEOPLE GET INTO IT ?
is this knowledge received from ghosts ? (like in silva method from chinese ghost -[definitely OCCULT] !!!!!!! ? but i know he wasnt first who discovered how to get into it) from other side ?
from occult ? demons ? ????
I AM COURIOUS ABOUT IT, please tell me if you know....what is genesis of getting into alpha state who first tell whom that he has to close eyes and count down or imagine something....or synchronize with breath or heart...?

IS THIS OCCULT KNOWLEDGE ? IF NOT - where it come from ?