I couldn't get Photoreading to work either, but I see a lot of value in the Paraliminals and many of the other programs LSC produces. A lot of people seem very happy with it though, so maybe it's just me.

I don't see the point in Photoreading, if, as I understand it, all it does is help you to locate information in a book that you then have to read consciously anyway. Non-fiction books usually carry an index, where you can zoom in on the information you want, without all the squinting and flipping pages. What's more, I want 100% comprehension of most of the books I read, because I'm a polyglot and learn languages for the fun of it. this 5% doesn't cut it.

If you do a search on the Net for Photoreading and NASA you'll find a test that they did on it. The results were unfavourable.

Answer to question (13)

...because they're crap!