Gee ZMasterNCreator,

You said you are a man of your word?

Join a religion, you could fit right in thinking to save yourself by converting others to your current opinion.

If it does not work for you, then move on. The way I see it that is your problem.

I have never believed anything works for everyone and there is plenty of speculation as to why.

My favorite is you cannot violate 'belief'. My second is that we are truly not alike soul and all. And my third favorite; you cannot really give anything to anyone else, for an idea is real and if one does not or cannot accept an idea then for them its powers are closed to them.

So it seems for now 'ZMasterNCreator' you fit in the 'not for me so how could it be real' category.

A very naive category to be sure however be pleased to bask in such a little box.