don't know about you but do you have any idea how badly having someone breathing over my should affects my concentration?

And what would you see? Someone answering a test. If you want to model a person you need to step back observe not hang over them. You know give them space to perform.

So there’s no way of doing it without letting things distract you? Does the average person find a camera being zoomed on their paper more distracting than solving questions from a book the’ve just photoread in front of an audience? How come the photoreaders at the retreat could not lose their concentration?

Here's a paradox. You see people doing the system. But not how the system works. Like I said earlier, reading itself is subjective. It's not something you would see much more of when it comes to doing the system.

Showing someone how to climb into my mind while I PhotoRead has been an interesting problem. In my classes I show them what I do each step but it doesn't show them how to do the system instead it takes a lot of explaining and drumming in the steps. Each student takes away a key that unlocks the process for them. My last one hit the glory and summed it up as, "Have a conversation with the author." Now how do you show that visually?

I agree that even reading is subjective, but you are able to objectify your learnings to the real world. You can have a discussion with someone who has a good understanding of a particular book and see if they think you know what you are talking about.

“Help it didn't work?" As much as I'd love to give you PhotoReading you do need to meet me part way. Lately your post haven't left me with much coaching material. Right now you are like the Zen student all talk but no way for the teacher to find out where you are stuck or what you are doing.

What did you do that didn't work? Yes I ask for specifics because I cannot teach in one email what I teach in a weekend. Actually I could but you'd wind up getting enough pages to fill a book and the book has been written so that wouldn't solve the problem. If you're lost you need to give the coaches some landmark to tell us where you are at.

How far have you gone in the course?

I told the people on the phone what I’ve been doing and all I’ve been getting were stock answers. They basically told me to reread the book and really couldn’t help me. Haha I’ve had enough coaching, thank you very much though. I’d rather cut out all the distortion and learn from Richard Welch, the guy that taught Paul Scheele the brain management/subliminal dynamics course before he started photoreading.