Thank you Shawn. I have definitely had the impression to try new soil in the boxes. Now that I have moved into the apartment with my mother, I will follow up on that. Since the 'garden' is an enclosed balcony and my mother is much more interested in plants than decorations, I hope to be able to get something growing well soon.
I do have Spring Forest Qi Gong. In fact, it is one the first courses I got from LS. I have enjoyed doing some of the meditations and have been able to manage a few personal health challenges with it, but do not seem to have the feel for identifying and clearing blockages and have no sense of being able to send energy.
I also became interested in Marie's Feng Shui material and have been working with it in my life for a couple of years. It was through that program that I was introduced to the Diamond Dowsing. Having had only what I would consider minor successes with the other two programs, I was quite surprised to find that I can received very clear responses with the techniques taught in the Diamond Dowsing materials. For this reason, I rely more strongly on dowsing that on some other disciplines for receiving guidance on energy matters. However, I will certainly make an effort to practice sending healing energy and positive visualizations.
Thanks again for your response.
Margaret Ida