Many decades ago while taking a Kundalini Yoga course I experienced some out-of-body experiences which gave me some brief, and for me anyway, incontrovertible glimpses on the extent of our human capacities.

I found myself disembodied and yet "traveling" through and "seeing' various parts of the universe and this planet. And no-I was neither a drug user nor a diagnosed schizophrenic. One of the places to which I 'traveled', a small canyon in Colorado, I actually visited in the flesh about a year later.

For these few instances I discovered that the full(or fuller) extent of our 'senses' transcend the limitations that we ordinarily and habitually ascribe to our physical apparatus,to our 5 senses . Parenthetically,I believe that the great German philosopher ,Immanuel Kant, wrote several volumes which fundamentally(but unintentionally) supported this idea and inadvertently won over many mystic thinkers from the East.

While LSC doesn't promote Photoreading on this basis-- that our grasp of things and ideas in the universe needn't rely on the presence of a physical substrate-- the body, these experiences which I describe above certainly gave me personal verification of their possibility and hence, led my attention to methodologies like Photoreading...among many other things.

And while I believe that systems such as Photoreading and brain dynamics may work for some, as Yukala alluded, many unconscious factors may prevent a good lot of us from ever mastering them-- and not necessarily because of shortcomings within the program itself.

Having worked as a counselor for over three decades, I've seen many who experienced a multitude of lost memories, a diminished capacity for both analyzing and creatively working with their current "worlds, even forgetting what one just said-- it happens on ALL different levels. Call it denial, repression... whatever you will. Without regard for what Freud said and dispensing with the vast research on this topic, I would say, anecdotally, that all else being equal, Fear-- whether conscious or no-- will shut down our vision of the world.

In this case, Photoreading , may elude our grasp because the various channels of our mind it may open might actually unleash a host of material for which we might not be psychologically prepared .

There are many myths which refer to just this idea-- that we can only Be that which for what we're truly ready. For example, it was only after a apprenticeship with the masterful Merlin, who exposed Arthur to the many 'scary' dimensions of Being, that he could then remove excalibur from the stone and thus rise to kingship-- his True Self.

He first needed to overcome his fear.