Hello ChrisMoon,
And welcome back to ES.
I certainly recommend Holosync. Just imagine lying back (though they recommend you stay sitting up) and listening to calming sounds while your both hemispheres of your brain get synchronised.... and all you have to do is absolutely nothing for an hour. I have made huge changes in my life in the past 18 months and the credit goes to Holosync. I can claim this because prior to Holosync I knew things were wrong but I didn't know what to do about it and I tended to get more entrenched. Post 6 months of Holosync I just found making change easy and obvious.

Regarding staying on track and making changes permanent......
I think persistence and determination are the keys here. Determination comes if the changes one envisiges are so worthwhile and exhilerating that nothing is allowed to get in the way. Persistence comes with practice. It takes six weeks for form a new habit, but just one day of missed practice to break the habit.

If you look through the forum postings you will find postings littered with doubt, self-sabotage, negativity, fear. Obviously these are the arch-enemies of achieving one's goals: those little satans who work away to pull you off track, even when the chosen track is sound, healthy, rational and promises all manner of good things.

I guess that is why so many people stumble at the various hurdles. I, however, am determined not to play those games any more. I am on this forum to succeed and succeed I will. ES works, it really does. I am changing for the better and finding the courage at last to aim really, really high. Previously self-doubt, bad habits and scepticism undermined my good aspirations. This time I am on track, I am taking things one step at a time, one day at a time, and subsequently I'm being rewarded richly for my investment in my self.

I wish you the best of luck. I commit to supporting anyone who is willing to embrace these principles. May ES bring you joy and bliss as it has me.

French Claire