1) Super reading and dipping is more of an intuitive type thing that you can do when you want to get only certain information from a book to your conscious mind. If you do it in layers you can build comprehension.
The "speed reading" or "rapid reading" part is what you'd typically do with novels. It starts at the beginning of the book and goes to the end. You could be reading word for word, super reading, dipping, rhythmically perusing, skittering or goign through the pages at photoreading rate depending upon what part of the book you're in, and how familiar you are with that part of the book, and how much you want or need from that part of the book.
2)Always prepare, doesn't take that long and quite frankly we should do the Prepare step before we do ANYthing, i.e.; driving, reading, sleeping, playing a sport or instrument, etc.
The photoreading step need only be done once but can be done more than one time if pages were skipped and you didn't want to ruin the rhythm you got into.