...you seem to have done right well talking yourself out of what you could turn to advantage.

You may be right there. But you also may be wrong; I could be wasting my time on something that doesn't work, when I could be spending time on what I know does, for my requirements at any rate. Superlearing didn't work - I got far better results from learning how to use my mind more effectively, and Photoreading for me is the same. I suppose it depends on what an individual wants from Photoreading and what he thinks he's getting from it.

I'll wait for the proof. I won't hold my breath!

If anyone is interested in increasing their ability to learn, I recommend doing a course by Dominic O'Brien, a man whom I respect tremendously for going against the dyslexia label he had been given as a child, and used his mind to become he world memory champion many times over. He memorised a complete set of Trivial Pursuit questions and answers, and he could produce these answers on demand. I can't honestly see a Photoreader being able to do that after squinting at the cards and pretending to activate them.