Scanning through the forums I have seen posters primarily inquire about difficulties they were having getting the program to work for them-- and occasionally I see people expound about their grand successes.

Now of course I can't offer you hard statistics about what percentage PR users became successful, but my intuition leads me to believe that most people fall off the wagon because of the great effort required or simply that for some reason they're not ready (see an earlier post, if you care) and end up trying yet another accelerated learning modality. But, admittedly, this is shere speculation.

With that said, I repeat, I do genuinely believe that Photoreading does work for a select number of folks. And logically, I can't say that it couldn't work for everyone.

While I disagree with some of what ZMC has said, and I do find his demeanor somewhat offputting-- (I take responsibility for that evaluation)-- he does raise some valid points about the efficacy of PR and the belligerently defensive tone people take in its behalf.

PR has been around for over a quarter of a century and one would expect a tidal wave of enthusiasm and material results in the mainstream were it something that thousands have gotten to work in the fabulous manner in which it's marketed. This applies to Brain Dynamics as well.

Occasionally I hear about a school or program utilizing PR-- but then, the project dissolves and no one explains what actually happened. I've even contacted Pete B.and other LSC honchos about this with no satisfactory answer.

Over the years, I've seen numerous posts of people requesting visible demonstrations of PR-- which I don't believe is an unreasonable request. All of these have- that I have seen, have gone unheeded.And, this certainly doesn't mean that it doesn't work.

In fact, I'd love for PR to take off and revolutionize not only business and academics, but also the fundamental way which the world habitually perceives reality.

I believe that the underlying, though unstated, principle of PR is that All is here now-- and that we have the faculties to access the All. This would lead so many to an experience of our common humanity among infinite other things.

Does any of this this make sense to you, Jacktuff...or anyone else?