Originally Posted By: Jacktuff13
No, no ZMNC. You're right, people are perfect the way they are. Don't say that you're " not saying don't try learning in school" because if you go to school to learn, you're looking for something to better yourself! And that can be "just as bad as looking for a drug"!!

I mean, if people were perfect, we wouldn't put them in schools. They wouldn't need to learn. They'd already know the best way of doing everything that they do, reading included.
Technology? Intelligence? Knowledge of a subject such as psychology? Those don't increase or become better over time! We don't find better ways of doing things as time goes on! Everyone is perfect from the start, no bother looking for anything to better ourselves, as it can be bad.

I love your use of logic.

Is it possible that everyone and everything is indeed perfect but very few people know it... regardless of our constant efforts to achieve it? You must have something to say about this Yukala.

Maybe striving for perfection is hogwash and all we really want to be is happy... or atleast to be free of all the things that say we're something less than perfect.

And perhaps psychology, can evolve but still only contract and circumscribe what we call perfection.

There is a polynesian myth which characterizes Man as someone who fishes for Sardines while perched on a Whale.