Strange interactions going on here.
The only comment I have is I agree with you Yukala, Stevers is a refined soul. Take genuine pleasure in that, Stevers. I value your input always! You are thinking, sharing your insights, and challenging us to think too. Hurrah! I want lots more of that on the forum.

Interesting notion this of us being part of greatness or separate from it (my take on Stevers 3 questions). Bill Harris has lots of ideas on this and I re-listened to his online course. Duality and non-duality. Also the freebie I got with the last Holosync level (Big Mind seminar) kind of deals with this too. It was about people owning disowned, separate, unknown aspects of themselves. The participants stepped into the persona of their 'violent' self, their 'controller' self etc. and spoke from that perspective. In so doing, they gained understanding, accepted aspects of themselves they previously ignored or disowned. This resulted in powerful experiences for the participant. [Very simplified explanation, this!]

From my own perspective, I have been consistently concentrating on developing affirmations that really uplift and motivate me. They encompass what I want to be/do/have. Obviously I am attempting to reprogram my unconscious for the better, so all parts of me work in harmony to attain all manner of good things. Just five days into the affirmation routine - call this reprogramming as it involves a lot of repetition, visualisation and feeling - I have started to witness my negativity as it occurs. These gentle prompts seem to be issuing from my unconscious. I might say something like, "I had an awful time with...." and the prompt floated into my mind that 'awful' was not the correct word, and I felt challenged to reflect on exactly what kind of time I had honestly experienced.

With reference to duality: I also have such a vague relationship with my unconscious (UC) that I don't know how to address it/me. I notice Napoleon Hill chats and repremands and exhorts his unconscious like an old and very trusted buddy. Right now I am trying to extend a gentle hand of friendship to my UC. I am sorry I have got myself/us into this dualistic state. No wonder I can experience chaos, havoc, negativity.... I think my various persona are often at odds, so what I actually create is probably a result of mixed messages. I believe that if I can genuinely like, love, respect and appreciate my UC (which after all is 5 6ths of my mind) this can only be beneficial. One bit of feedback is that my unconscious mind does not appreciate this title. I am trying out new names, like genius mind, true self, infinite intelligence....

Well, guess what! The right name was prompted into consciousness this very second. UC wants to be my PARTNER.
French Claire