
Always enjoy your posts, they often mirror my own thoughts at the time. As for your "Big 3" questions I have actually been releasing on those very topics in the past two weeks. Please bear w me - I don't post a lot of but today I seem to have a lot to say, and if it is of benefit, all the better!

I found myself a bit overwhelmed with ES at first, a lot of resistance to feeling I "deserved" effortless success - in many forms. Interestingly, the goals that were my most pressing became stagnant, while a less pressing one - my health, working out, better diet - just took off! I exercise everyday wo any resistance, and dont even want many of the snackies I used to.

But back to your Big 3. Philosophically/spiritually speaking, from what I've learned in my life so far, the mind/ego creates a million ways to distract us from our true selves, primarily because a) much of the mind's function is to solve problems of this world, the one of separation, and b) because it is of that world, it incorrectly fears it wont be needed if we discover Oneness, and therefore creates more problems to keep us focused on it's unique talent - to solve problems after lot of hard work, dithering, and doubt!

Bottom line, we need all facets of our being, but we feel incomplete because we are only utilizing the basics learned through ego. Once we "lift the veil" we have access to what has always there, our higher self, our unconscious, our complete being. I consider this being to actually be the guide I'm looking for and that I currently don't recognize within me. I know I could have direct access but am still getting used to that - right now it's as if I need to dial a phone number and hope my call gets thru - to myself! And likewise, once you are linked into the higher self, you ARE rejoined to the One, and then your inner/outer guidance system is whole and complete. Not to say others in our lives may not provide guidance us as well - on the contrary, I believe when we are in the One, those folks arrive much more quickly, along with signposts, etc., to help us on our paths. The ultimate network.

Now, let me jump off my philosophical/spiritual soap box and over to my practical soapbox... Tho I know all this, it doesn't mean I can just let it go however; perhaps you have a bit of that as well? Not through stubbornness, more a lifetime of using a certain set of beliefs and life tools, deeply ingrained. Typical beliefs that limit us and "keep us safe" - another of our mind/ego's goals. Our mind/ego is all about survival - it just doesn't want us to get hurt. Thinking outside the box, taking a risk with career, relationships, whatever... one of its best tools to keep us from getting "hurt" is DOUBT. Another one focusing on other's goals for you (dad always wanted me to be...) since they appear to be safe/sanctioned by an authority figure.
I had purchased the Sedona Method same time as ES, thinking to do ES first along with everyone else, and then TSM later. I found I was creating an anxiety within me in regard to ES that I couldn't shake. I found myself really questioning my beliefs in myself, whether I had the "right" goals, why wasn't I at stage XYZ etc, etc. etc. etc. etc. ETC!!! \:\)

All that is actually great, as things that come up, come up for healing... but I need some assistance in working thru it. For me the answer seems to be The Sedona Method. A few weeks ago, I finally allowed some inner guidance to steer me toward TSM - I needed it NOW, I felt I had too many blocks to allow ES to play out freely. I had bought both together (there are no coincidences in life) but I see now my ego steered me toward ES -I wanted success NOW - I'd just do the inner healing stuff later. Ha!

I have not stopped any of the daily affirmations, mirror exercises, some daily disciplines etc. from ES - I have however stopped trying so hard to create that "perfect goal" and concrete plans of action while doing TSM. After studying TSM over the past week or two, I am now adding "active" ES items back into my day. Also I am not trying to push TSM, it is simply something that is working for me, I know there are plenty of other modalities by which to heal.

So for me, has been very refreshing, freeing, and fantastic to release all that self-created anxiety. And the techniques are such you can do them real-time throughout the day as needed - just a minute. Some of the TSM teachings I knew - but forgot - and many other things have been brought to light for me. Lot's of aha moments. It's so simple - it's all about just releasing all that holds us back as it comes up.

You're Big 3 seems to dovetail right into what I've been learning thru TSM. That so much more is possible than what we think is, and also how to accept what really is, let it go, and THEN completely new possibilities open up. Identifying when a goal is truly ours or someone else's and releasing wo any fallout. By releasing all our attraction and aversion to things/events/people, we can approach life - always - from our highest self, for our greatest good, from love.

I feel I have a cleaner slate to build ES on. I'm not "thinking" so much about consequence, what if, or am I on the right path. All of which were paralyzing to me. I feel more like I "just know" or that things will come to me when I need them.

Feeling lighter and more in the flow - happy weekend to all