
A few weeks ago, I finally allowed some inner guidance to steer me toward TSM - I needed it NOW, I felt I had too many blocks to allow ES to play out freely. I had bought both together (there are no coincidences in life) but I see now my ego steered me toward ES -I wanted success NOW - I'd just do the inner healing stuff later. Ha!

I have not stopped any of the daily affirmations, mirror exercises, some daily disciplines etc. from ES - I have however stopped trying so hard to create that "perfect goal" and concrete plans of action while doing TSM. After studying TSM over the past week or two, I am now adding "active" ES items back into my day. Also I am not trying to push TSM, it is simply something that is working for me, I know there are plenty of other modalities by which to heal.

So for me, has been very refreshing, freeing, and fantastic to release all that self-created anxiety. And the techniques are such you can do them real-time throughout the day as needed - just a minute. Some of the TSM teachings I knew - but forgot - and many other things have been brought to light for me. Lot's of aha moments. It's so simple - it's all about just releasing all that holds us back as it comes up.

You're Big 3 seems to dovetail right into what I've been learning thru TSM. That so much more is possible than what we think is, and also how to accept what really is, let it go, and THEN completely new possibilities open up. Identifying when a goal is truly ours or someone else's and releasing wo any fallout. By releasing all our attraction and aversion to things/events/people, we can approach life - always - from our highest self, for our greatest good, from love.

I feel I have a cleaner slate to build ES on. I'm not "thinking" so much about consequence, what if, or am I on the right path. All of which were paralyzing to me. I feel more like I "just know" or that things will come to me when I need them.


Thanks for taking the time to articulate your philosophy and your experience. Although I don't do the Sedona Method myself (Lately I've been working with something called The Feeling Exercise from the Abundance for Life Course - similar intent, just a different form), you are definitely speaking to one of the themes that show up for me around those questions I was posing a few posts back.

Emotional Intelligence seems have become something of a buzz phrase in a lot of self-improvement circles these days, but I think it is with good reason. My core teacher often says that one of indicators that you are somehow deluding yourself is an experience of emotional dissonance. Feeling scared, anxious, angry, sad, etc. can be symptoms of an internal misalignment with what we know to be true. In other words, our thoughts are getting in the way of our seeing reality. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but I find it to be a helpful guideline.

What I find works best for me is an absolute willingness and commitment to experience the feeling combined with a curiosity to know what's really true. Sedona Method, The Feeling Exercise, and something else I sometimes work with called The Complete Acceptance Process (from a Learning Strategies sponsored program I worked with a few years ago called "The Effort Free Life System") all seem to aim at reclaiming the energy bound up in the feeling. I find that sometimes that is enough in itself, but I find there are other times where I need to be more active in asking, "How am I deluding myself right now?" or "What thought am I believing that is creating this upset?" For me, it has become a matter of both wanting to be free of the effects of the "negative" and wanting to see though the feeling it to it's origin, so as to pull it out of the ground of my habitual thinking by its very roots.

I think part of what prevented my from being successful in the past, was my refusal to take these "re-routing/re-committing" opportunities more seriously. I, too, wanted success NOW, and I was willing to plow through my fears, doubts, and anxieties to go for the gold. Only problem was, I never got there. I think there are some people who are able to get what they want (or at least what they think they want) despite whatever emotional issues might surface for them. I also think there are some people who don't even register these kinds of emotions (which doesn't necessarily mean they aren't there). But the fact is, I'm not hooked up that way, and if there is anything I've learned is that "not doing the inner healing stuff" is simply not a viable option for me.

At the same time, what I have observed is that when an individual achieves their goals but doesn't address the emotional aspects of their success-seeking process, it still creates backlash for somebody or something within the ecosystem of relationships. Put more simply, IT JUST AIN'T SUSTAINABLE. My opinion is that we are now seeing the consequences of this on a global scale (I won't turn this into a rant by listing the litany of unsustainable activities that have reached epic and planet threatening proportions. You get the idea). I have decided I can't and won't be part of this, and I am learning that my emotions are among my greatest of allies.

Thanks again for your willingness to look into yourself and share what you see.


Last edited by Stevers; 07/04/09 06:04 PM.