Dear Successful,
I am smiling all over my face! Here are the smilies: \:\) \:\) \:\) .
Yes, my commitment to support others is certainly valid - so Successful, you have got yourself an accountability partner! I notice with interest that you call it a 'responsibility partner' - I love the idea of us sharing the responsibility to do whatever it takes for both of us to get to where we want to be.

Where am I at? I have worked through ES for the first time and I am poised to rework the whole program again. I am a person who wants to know WHY. So I have been listening to and reading other personal dev. experts to help fill in the blanks. I want my ES canvas to be a blaze of colour and with a strong foundation. I loved Laurel Langemeier's money-making advice and she really opened my mind to how much fun it is to make money. Gay Hendricks is always beside my bed. "The Big Leap" to train me to spend more and more of my day in joy and bliss. I also have his "How to love yourself workbook" as it rattled me to hear Jack Canfield point out we can only receive love from others to the extent we love ourselves. On a scale of 1 to 10, I have a lot of self-love steps to take. Napoleon Hill is my current mentor and I listen to him every time I get into the car. He does my soul good.

That's the theoretical side. On a practical level...
1) I have been working through negative facets of myself but I am turning the corner here. My unconscious is demanding I focus on the positive now = definitely the right way to go.
2) Got about 5kgs to lose. Am working on motivation here. Have committed myself to walk an hour per day (again) and am just about to start some weight training. No point in having a fine ES mind and an unfit, flaccid body, eh?
3) I have committed to repeating/feeling my affirmations until I get to the point where I glow. I'm about 10 days in. My aim is to keep those new, budding neurons growing and not miss a day (my psychology research indicates skipping a day makes them die off!)
4) I am turning myself into a profitable persona. This area is really working for me. I am starting to genuinely believe the ES promise: you attract what you focus on. I think much more inspiring money thoughts now. My income is going up.
5) I am in the process of commiting myself to living permanently in my genius zone (another Gay Hendricks concept).

So Successful, you have made my day. I am sending you my cntact details so we can co-achieve. Look at the top of your menu bar: you will find a flashing envelope beside "My Stuff", click on it and you will find out how to contact me.

I wish you a glorious adventure. May we take the next steps together!
French Claire