Have you ever heard of the Hundredth Monkey Effect? It's not about monkeys convincing each other. Rather it's about a new behavior within a species generating enough "morphic resonance' that creatures(- even for those who did not witness the demo) across the globe enact the same heretofore miraculous behavior. "Convincing" doesn't begin to explain this process. An example of this would be the discovery of calculus by two uncollaborating philosphers at the same time.

Also, I didn't know that this was a "fight". I want to exchange ideas and there may be a differences in opinion among us. I really enjoy this... and sometimes I get zinged and rightfully so. Sometimes expressing things on the net doesn't accurately convey the emotional content and so misunderstandings occur.Is it possible to consider both the theses and antitheses of the world? . But fights I'd rather avoid.

Last edited by truth; 07/07/09 04:57 PM.