I have bought this course called "The Lucid Dream Kit". Has anyone else bought it? I'm still waiting for it to arrive. It has all the Market free trial period stuff and its marketing brochure really got me stoked. Obviously, I bought it. But, I can admit my life has changed since I started going down this road. Back in 1991 it started with Robert Monroe, Dana Spotts, Frank R. Wallace and then Paul R. Scheele. And, there have been many more in-between. I love all of Paul's work and I believe he work has had the most positive Influence on me. Thank you Paul.
But, anyway, I would like to master lucid dreaming. That's why I bought this course. I have vivid dreams practically every night. And, on occasion, I will have a fully conscious lucid dream. I never really am able to stay in more than minutes when I become conscious. But, for some reason, I believe that I can find a way to master fully conscious dreaming every night. I hope this is the course that gives me the skill to accomplish my goal. I will let you know how it works.