Greetings all,

Thank you Yukala, for your input and willingness to join in the game! I appreciate you challenges, and I appreciate your willingness to go for it regarding the things you are willing to give up. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you as you continue with it.

Interesting that I was in the midst of composing a post as your reply came in. Here is what I wrote, posted, and to which I have now added as an edit what I am saying up to this

Although I find discussions of religion and spirituality, fundamentalism and faith, and all manner of nuances of this and that, at times quite enjoyable, I need to say that I began this particular thread with something else in mind. In my opening post, I shared a decision I had made to give up the compulsive monitoring of internet sports for one week, linked to the question: What am I willing to give up to be successful? I ended that post by committing to a series of actions and invited others in this forum to do the same. Two members (French Claire, Margaret Ida, and now Yukala) have since taken me up on the invitation. Two (Unique Soul and Inchiki Gaijin), as of yet have not.

I cannot help but notice that what started out as a call to action has turned into a kind of intellectual bantering about fundamentalists and fundamentalism, ostensibly because French Claire mentioned her niece within the context of describing her relationship to doubt, which I understand her to have made the commitment to give up.

I realize I am not God (nor Buddha, for that matter) nor am I the one who set up this forum. I don't make the rules. But I think I was quite clear with the tone I set and the invitation and request I made to the members of the forum in the opening post of this thread. I am also very clear that my chief intention with this forum is to gain and give support from/to others in taking action to improve the quality of our lives using the principles and practices of Learning Strategies Effortless Success personal learning course.

I realize that others who have joined this forum may not share this same core intention. I also recognize that Learning Strategies provides very few guidelines regarding intentions and decorum of interactions on any of its forums. I currently see it as a free for all. Nevertheless, I am finding many of the posts on this thread annoying, because they indicate to me intentions that are not fully aligned with what I am primarily here for. I realize that this is speculation on my part in that I cannot really know another person's intentions. I am simply drawing conclusions based on my observations.

As I've said, I do not run this forum. Even so, my request is that, in the future, if folks want to have a discussion about philosophy (in this case the advantages and pitfalls of fundamentalism) that they simply begin a new thread with an appropriate title. That way, those of us who are committed to action and supporting each other in growing via applying the Law of Attraction with the ES course (in conjunction with other related success-oriented resources) can do so in a more contained and focused manner. That said, I reserve the right to join in the less action-based and success-oriented, more heady and philosophical discussions when I'm looking for that brand of entertainment (which is what they currently represent to me).

Thank you,

Last edited by Stevers; 07/31/09 06:22 PM.