Hi all

I was away last week, and just discovered Stevers challenge. I too would like to join in. Actually, when I first read it, it reminded me of a line from the poem- The Invitation-“ ..it doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.” I’m not sure why that immediately came to mind- but in reading thru the rest of the post- the flames seemed to light up from your challenge!

I am ready to give Up ( release actually sounds better to me) my constant busy-ness that fills my day and prevents me from doing what I know I truly want to do. I intend and create the time to take steps toward my goals, then fill in that time with a variety of things that really have no importance in the outcome of my life, the sudden urge to vacuum, run an errand that could wait a month, or even volunteer for an extra shift at work. I am very creative about this- and could call it being productive, however, none of these things move me towards the direction I want to be going in. So, for this week, I will allow the space I create to fill with activities that move me forward, and when the ‘urge’ to fill the space with non-essentials arrives- I will redirect- as much as possible. This is a big challenge for me- surrender & release- but I feel your post came at the perfect time for me.

French Claire- You talked of needing proof, and seeking faith ( sorry, I don’t know how to do those cool quote boxes) Wayne Dyer just published a book “Excuses BeGone”, and in the first part of it, he reviews a lot of the latest scientific research and proof that your perceptions have the power to change everything about your life. One of the many sources he refers to is The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton. I really enjoyed this book- but I am an avid fan of his, & have read all of his stuff. You might find something that satisfies your quest in one of these books.
