Wow! - two great posts that really hit home from Brendann and Col.
Thank you for putting it so clearly and concisely.
I have recently been noticing myself using up my hours in busy-ness and 'derailers'. I have also noticed that I have developed the habit of responding to "How are you doing?" with "Keeping busy!" - so... I now think I serve myself better by making a plan for a more useful thought to repeat to myself and to others.
How well you describe the cycle of doubt! Let's see...the cycle of trust would then run somewhat like this: Goals and Action Plan >>> Small Starting Steps >>> Self-Reinforcement (recognition and gratitude for action) >>> New Steps Towards Success Appear allowing for >>> Enthusiastic Intention >>> which focuses on Taking On-Target Action Steps which really = Self-motivated action >>> Sense of Accomplishment which in turn = more reason to trust myself in the future.
Hey! I like that! Perhaps I will post it in my office! - and start saying "Getting the important things done.' When asked how I am doing.
Thanks for being my sounding board as I think these things through! May you create some effortless success in your day!
Margaret Ida