Stevers - a little hide and seek never hurt anyone... it's important to play while we grow! Seriously, I do understand the "fresh start". In fact, I like your term so much, that is what I am calling my commitment to this releasing experience - a fresh start.

So in case you didn't see my post in the other spot, I had been out of town during your first invitation, but am applying your idea to August. To give up:

1) Believing/claiming that there is not enough time when what I'm really doing is filling my hours with derailers and busy-ness (TV/internet/email/unproductive and escapist-type daydreams). All actions not oriented toward my goals.

2) Self-doubt - I will use Sedona Method, in conjunction with ES, which has helped me in other areas. My normal cycle tends to be:
Goals and Action Plan >>> Good Start >>> Self-Doubt (often sub-conscious so not noticed at first) >>> Magic Derailers Appear allowing for >>> Procrastination >>> in order to focus on Busy-ness (See #1) which really = Self-sabotage >>> disappointment in myself which in turn = more reason to doubt myself in future.

Two days in and this is my first access of internet in those two days. Addressed a bunch of mundane, avoided, but necessary chores this weekend - got them out of the way to lay a foundation for that fresh start. Less TV, more downtime spent outside enjoying the beautiful weather with my husband - good, grounding, quality time. Next step - to reapply myself actively to my ES goals and daily disciplines (started back up today).

Will give more updates after a full week, but already feeling better.

Linda - I had a 180 degree-type career change much like you that didn't (in my case) work out, so I do see some parallels. This may or may not trigger something for you but... started doing something I loved and was good at (became a chef), but it became such a struggle, that I finally gave it up and went back to what I was good at but didnt love (financial analyst type). The main thing I took away from that experience = I definitely "gave myself away", wore myself out, and ultimately didn't prosper. Didnt know it at the time but I attracted the struggle to myself through self-doubt and old patterns of putting everyone/thing before me. A second class citizen in my own life!

Meanwhile, are you doing Effortless Success actively right now? I don't read the posts each day, so may have missed you before. Some of the basics from ES Level I may be worth revisiting...
Another thought - I was inspired to identify what I call my derailers (the give ups) by the contributions of several posters on Stevers' original thread, called "Giving Up". Volume I so to speak.

Have a great week - Colleen