I am new to this, please be patient with me. I am at this time living by myself. I am a widow. I have raised my three children successfully. Now, I know that it is me time. I want to be free to live my own life. There are many people who love and care about me. I love the journey that I am on. I am not working a 9-5, vacation once a year, etc.,job. I am a freelancer. I love helping people. When someone needs my help I am there to help. The people who love me think I am crazy and are worried about how am I going to survive. I have been trusting my Creator, Source of my Being all my life, this is something they have a hard time understanding. Until I am having financial success, working a job (9-5) in my life, they are all saying "we'er worried and concerned about your well being. I am learning each and everyday what I want, and I at this point all I want is to be left alone to find my way to do the things I want to do. How do I tell them to leave me alone, I am ok!! ? I am reading and learning about the Law of Attraction, which I realize I have been using all my life. I am excided about LEARNING STRATEGIES. Thank you for any support.
