Originally Posted By: Margaret Ida
...but I did manage to sneak a little bit of change under my internal radar! I think that noticing that I have been affirming my busy-ness and therefore keeping myself busy with 'derailers' is a good example. Today I found myself thinking about 'getting things done' and noticed that I have been doing that!
I guess this week I will give away my 'keeping busy' phrase and practise using a my new one - getting the important things done.

Way to go Margaret Ida!

It sure looks to me that part of this process is that when we affirm/intend a new reality (or in this case give up an old habit) things do sneak under our radar. My experience with the ASKING Paraliminal certainly brought that home for me.

Someone I read or listened to sometime in the last 20 years talked about making a "commitment to unconscious competency". The idea is that you when you let go of old habits, there is room for new (more life affirming) habits to show up - like getting the important things done!

Again, bravo! And congratulations of the progress you DID make with getting to bed earlier!

I'll look forward to your next report.


Last edited by Stevers; 08/05/09 01:02 AM.