Welcome RobynWanda!
There are more people than you know who are living the kind of 'freelance' life you describe. And many of us experience the same kind of attitudes you describe from those around us. Never mind. They were trained in the 'security' of the employee status - which most find less secure right now! They don't know how they would survive without a 9-5 job, so they can't understand how you can. Your experience with faith-based living has given you an abundance of happiness and a serenity that they have not found. [Maybe they are jealous and want you to be on the same level they are - many unconsciously do!] If they express anxiety, you might just tell them that you are doing well enough to pay for your needs, which is about as well as they are (maybe) so they needn't worry about you.
I would encourage you to continue to trust in the guidance of your Creator and go forward in peace and abundance.
May you create peace and joy in your heart.
Margaret Ida