Hi RobynWanda,

i am going through the same situation (i mean financial) and i am facing the financial problem but also focusing myself to create the life on the basis of meaning and abundant. when i do this than i feel the adventure and joy but when i think about the future than fear come to my mind and i am thinking that how can i survive in this life. i have family to support and i wanted to live this kind of joyful life because i taste it in a bit and i donot wanted to go on that dull life again but financial problem forcing me to accept the dull job.

i just wanted to ask a question from you that how can you in this age you develop the belief in God. i am assuming that you help others without thinking about daily bread and inside of you, you are so sure that you cannot be failure because you believe in God. can you share something about this trust in God. how can one develop the kind of belief you have in your life.

I need it badly.

nice guy