Here are comments that fellow participants sent in about their experiences with the retreat. Some are signed, some are not. All give great insight to the six days with Jeddah. Pete

Jeddah is the real deal. There is little benfit in sitting in a retreat when the person you came to learn from is not walking the talk. Most retreats are like someone telling you how to ride a bicycle while Jeddah puts you on the seat and goes with you until you can ride the bicycle by yourself - if you so choose.
--Gordon Bray

Jeddah Mali's Pathway to Enlightenment and Retreat have, in my 40 years of becoming Conscious, Accessing my True Potential and Re-gaining Peace, been the Most Useful and Effective tools to date.

Although I'm still new to understanding her teachings, Jeddah is an amazing person to be around. She has a way of getting to the core of someones question and also respond in a way that is very complete and easy to understand.

The whole of Jeddah's retreat -- Jeddah herself and her loving wisdom, the yoga and singing, the films that have inspired me to make a difference in the world, and the amazing people attending with me, all combined to shower me with transformative gifts. The person I was when I arrived at the retreat has now gone! I also highly applaud all the Learning Strategies and hotel staff for running a beautiful event. I'm deeply grateful for everything!
--Patrice Robson

Her teachings are the purest and most consistent ones I've ever come across. And I've heard and studied many! Highly recommended to anyone who is seeking a deep understanding of what "enlightening" and "the truth" really is about. To explore her teachings in a retreat form is a life changing and unforgettable experience!

As we looked around the retreat room, we noticed so many smiling faces. It seemed a little goofy and absurd at first. Then we realized how accustomed we've become to seeing humans otherwise ... not open, not trusting, feeling disconnected, unloved, and unloveable. If enough people attend this retreat, and feel the true beauty and magnificence of their beings, soon the whole world will be harmonious, peaceful, and full of joy.
Blessed in love, light, laughter and joy,
--Meg and Andy Jones

The retreat with Jeddah and her support staff exceeded my expectations. I have been inspired to integrate yoga and meditation into my daily routine. I found all of the discussions very informative and they helped me to both confirm deep seated beliefs I have held as well as dispel many myths. My heart is still expanded out to you all from feeling the love and connectedness during the week we spent together. We are all one - all over our world. I would recommend attending a retreat with Jeddah to anyone that is seeking a life affirming experience. She is pure love and brilliant as well. I feel that Jeddah helps us to bring out the best in ourselves and encourages us to wake up and walk away from the retreat with a heartfelt resolve to truly live in the moment and thrive together in the sea of awareness.

Where do I begin to describe the effect of Jeddah's teachings upon me? Words are not sufficient and I wish everyone could read my mind to fully understand the extent of the change that has taken place in me. I am a person REBORN with new understanding of who I really am. I started my journey with listening to Seeds of Enlightment cd's. From day one I felt the sadness that I had carried with me for most of my life, fall away . I no longer was as judgmental as I had been before and it was so easy, I almost did not notice the change. My previous emotions were replaced by Love ,Contentment, Peace and hope. Meeting Jeddah at her retreat was the icing on the cake.

Her love for all of us is obvious, and she wants everyone to know the beauty that is in each of us. She explained the basics of her teachings so clearly that I was able to put the pieces together . I also met the most wonderful people that share a similar interest in learning the truth. We bonded in the most beautiful way, in unconditional love, sharing wonderful experiences together. I thank Jeddah and everyone at Learning strategies for the most wonderful experience of my life. For anyone not sure if they should experience any of Jeddah's teachings in any form, all I can say is , follow your heart and if you really are ready for change, then this is your time and this is your teacher. Diana Magee -Miami Fl.

It is hard to describe in words what can only be experienced. Jeddah's energy and teachings are so powerful and direct, that they give you almost an instant access to the experience of Universal Truth and Oneness. That experience gives you the indescribable feeling of contentment, grace and peace.
And the best of all, it gives you the Knowing that it is True and that you can come back to it any time. Any time you choose. It is up to You.

Jeddah Mali presents a very direct path to Truth-realization. Her teachings are incisive and pierce the veil of ignorance that is between us and the Truth that is ever-present. Her teaching approach appeals to the intellect while simultaneously rendering the learning into personal experience in meditation. This combination is potent and unique. I was blown away in my first encounter with her work through the Pathway to Enlightenment weekly meditations, and knew that I HAD to experience her presence in person. I came to her first annual retreat in Minneapolis with an open heart and open mind, and returned with greater confidence, acceptance and trust than ever before. "I am That" is no longer an intellectual supposition anymore for me, as Jeddah enabled me to experience this in meditation. Despite the fact that there were many participants in the retreat, Jeddah shared some personal moments with me to help me understand those very specific things that I was stumbling on. I'm very grateful for her loving presence and drive to help others awaken. I've shed enormous burdens, dropped many useless and limiting beliefs, experienced profound shifts in meditation, and emerged with greater confidence and serenity about my path to Truth-realization. Jeddah is that dynamite combination of a Truth-realized being, a householder like most of us, an inspired teacher, a witty and fun loving person, a loving and caring presence with the drive and zeal to help us awaken, all packed into a compact frame of joy and bliss! What a blessing it has been to listen, learn, meet and be in her presence!
--Sundar Kadayam

Jeddah so eloquently explains the ideas I've known about for years, she makes it all crystal clear.

My path, in this life, has been life-long and for the most part solo. My spiritual connection with my new partner began an opening and a consolidation of spirit and ego-me. Jeddah has enabled this awareness to become a reality. Her presence, gentleness, love and truth, allowed me to pass through my closed door, without angst. I am now open, in love, joined, existing, knowing and sharing in love, in the present moment.
Blessings and thanks,

If you haven't experienced yourself as divine love yet, that means all the work you've done up to this point has been preparatory. Jeddah is the one you've been looking for. She will help you begin actually dismantleing the metaphysical machinery seemingly holding your consciousness in place. As it begins to shudder, you get a glimpse of the power, depth and breadth of the love that you are. If you give yourself honestly and earnestly to her guidance, she will lead you to an experience of the stunning majesty and beauty of your being. Do whatever you have to do to attend at least one of her retreats. Just being touched by it once is enough to change you forever. It may be subtle, but you'll know undoubtedly that you have changed. You'll know then that no matter how long or difficult the road may become, you'll stay true to yourself. For you'll know that you are worth it.
--Trevor Uruski

The wonderful thing about Jeddah's teachings is that they are designed to be experienced, and not just thought about. In the spiritual seeker community, many of us have read countless sacred texts, and have taken course upon course in an attempt to find Truth. Jeddah explains exactly how it works, takes your hand and supports you patiently while you have a real experience of your true nature.
--Rob Millette

Jeddah has a wonderful gift of sharing her wisdom in a way that makes it seem simple and straightforward while expressing the beauty and wonder at the same time.She has a delightful sense of humour and fun, and is helping to change the world with her love and compassion. I now have a much greater appreciation of being conscious in the moment.

She is a fantastic teacher, gets the people to understand. Very direct teachings.

Jeddah Mali is probably the most self-realized person I have ever met. It was wonderful to be in her presence and be exposed to the wisdom she has received from the Brotherhood.
--Barbara Byrd

Never since childhood have I experienced such beautiful open hearts. Mine and everyone elses. My own heart was burst wide open by sometime mid week and the energy after each meditation just kept getting more and more wondrous and joyful with each passing moment.By the last day I understood the concept of grounding - because I needed it. I was floating. Also the films - Heartmath and Pachamama were so inspiring - who knew we had so many awesome and inspiring human beings on this planet. I feel invited to join their team just for the love, beauty and glory of us all. Thank you for Pete (and St. Germaine) for bringing us all together.
--Kathleen Boyle, Calgary