On becoming more positive:

I was most intrigued to read your recent post, Niceguy. I know exactly what you are referring to (negative thoughts) as I had a similar experience when I went beyond the initial high of ES-ing.

I am wondering whether the command to think positively all the time isn't a step too big for some of us (me especially as I am basing my theory on my own experience).

The first time I had a glimpse of this 'step too big' idea was when I read Gay Hendrick's "The Big Leap". He writes about living in one's genius zone: finally shaking off the shackles of one's zone of excellence to operate within one's own personal genius. Note, the author assumes we are alrealy in our zone of excellence.

Now I was really stimulated at living in my zone of genius - I mean, who wouldn't like that? However, I am currently NOT living in my zone of competence, let alone zones of excellence or genius. I began to question whether this book was written for people in a different situation to me. If I were seriously to contemplate moving into my zone of genius, the changes would have to be so radical, so massive, that they would send shockwaves thorough my entire universe - a step too big as I would unsettle everyone.

Joe Vitale, in his "Expect Miracles", seems to realise that some people have genuine difficulties that hamper them from simply throwing the switch from negative to positive. He even admits "a negative environment can be extremely difficult to overcome" (p. 64).

I am starting to question whether (for me anyway) it isn't a sign of progress in the right direction when certain negative thoughts, feelings and events jump into centre stage even as I strive to live positively. Could it be that these need to be worked through BEFORE I can embrace a 100% positive lifestyle? I mean, I can't just abdicate from all things that don't suit me because I live in a network of people, responsiblilities, contracts and obligations.

I wonder whether I inadvertently set myself up as a failure because I sometimes had negative thoughts? I certainly felt that I must be doing something wrong, perhaps now working hard enough at the ES process, because I still had to deal with negative feelings and reactions.

Vitale has a technique for dealing with negative stuff. He suggests we look at the negative situation/experience/feeling and try to find a useful lesson embedded within it. Then we have something to be grateful for, positive about. This really works for me. I can pick through some painful experience and select some useful lessons. Within a minute or two, I feel completely different and can actually see a benefit in having had a bad experience. I change from being a victim to being a beneficiary.

Whether my hunch is correct or not, I can honestly state that I am working through my negative stuff and leaving it behind. I used to be so upset at having my mother live with us - that is gone. I resented having to sell my heritage home in Ireland - now I truly desire to sell it. I was angry, confused and hurt at my work experiences in Ireland - now different interpretations are emerging. I know that I have ES to thank for this emerging mindset. I am excited to see when I have finally cleared my last negative hurdle (leaving my current job), how much more time I can spend in a positive mindset.

Have a really positive day.
French Claire