I have two basic problems with paraliminals, I think. One is that they take focused time. I have long been a 'multi-tasker,' raising children while I clean or cook, doing handwork while I visit or watch TV, thinking things through or chatting while I drive, etc. I have enjoyed the experiences I get from listening to the paraliminals - but I often feel that I haven't gotten anything DONE during that time. Then, I recognize some good concepts, but it takes effort to try to get them into my life. So, I haven't identified a great deal of effortless success from using them - which is what I really want to get from them. Perhaps I need to repeat them more times (but that takes more time!) - and probably I need to focus my intent more clearly and record both my intents and my results. Much as I love learning and thinking and sharing, I do seem to have a hard time with extended focus.
So, anyway, I have listened several times to the Asking Paraliminal from ES (thanks to Stevers thoughts). I notice that I am making time for personal relaxation and recreation lately - something that I noticed I was lacking a while ago. I also notice that I have any number of notes and lists of things that I could be spending productive time on, but that I am not following through on - and that the feeling I get when I consider them is negative. It is an effortful 'I should' and a resistant 'I tried before without success.' It is the Believing (or rather the non-believing) that is holding me back. So I listened to the Believing paraliminal yesterday. I think that I still need more from the Asking one, so perhaps I shall alternate them. [I find myself sounding quite tentative rather than truly committed. Now I need to think about that!]
Well - I will listen to the Asking and Believing Paraliminals - and I will journal my experiences for the next week.
Thanks for the challenge, Stevers!
Margaret Ida