
I really haven't had very much success with the thumb and forefinger method that Jack Talks about. I work with a device created by James Stevens or the James Stevens Institute. He does trainings in applying kinesiology to all manner of things. If you Google him you'll find a website that will give you more of a sense of what he does and what I have learned (way to complicated for me to elucidate in writing here).

The standard way to do AK (applied kinesiology) is to stick your arm out to the side, outstretched and parallel to the ground, and then have someone push down as you resist. You can calibrate for a yes or no response, then test various foods (under the tongue is one way), statements, you name it. My guess is that You Tube probably has some demonstrations.

I'm on Day 4 of Perfect Health. My health is definitely improving, but I am doing so many things to facilitate that that I can't say what effect PH is having. Then again, it may be because of PH that I have been doing other things that are working. I suspect I will have more to say after completing the 21 days I'm planning on listening.
