Hi all,
I am finishing my week 1 of giving up (less internet, TV) and overall busy-ness (that is not goal-oriented). I have committed to these for August in create new a "new habit".

Successes: I am definitely spending much less time online and with email. Watching TV as well, however, that is more difficult as my husband and I had both gotten into that habit together. But overall, we have spent much more time outside, talking, connecting, and discussing what I have been experiencing with Sedona, etc.

I am also listening to my Paraliminals, reviewing ES and continuing with Sedona again. During vacation (and after), I had gotten away from all of it and restarted the habits of TV, and avoiding my goals.

Challenges: I have found myself not getting back into my newly formed habits of daily exercise and doing my ES daily disciplines since vacation. I am very organized and a great planner in many ways but NOT when it comes to doing something for ME. Everything comes before that, always has.

Then when I have no energy left for ME at the end of the day, I tell myself I'll get up extra early "tomorrow". And then I oversleep or wake up to a message telling me I need to go into work early, or some other filler. Amazing how the universe complies with our subconscious agendas. The fact that I am not a person who likes a lot of routine also doesnt help - I have trouble remembering to take vitamins every night and morning, that sort of thing. Hmm, is it th eroutine or because it is for me?

So this week (and onward), I give up not keeping promises to myself. And the need to put myself last.
This includes:
Creating well-defined space DAILY for me to do at least 15 minutes of journaling, 30 minutes of exercise, and 30-60 minutes of action toward one of my ES goals. Not vacuum, do the laundry, start painting the guest room, or anything else!

I've restarted doing paraliminals as I wake up and I listen to anything else while driving so I am pretty efficient then at least! I will also get back into the habit of listening to the paraliminals as I fall asleep, I felt I got more layers of meaning from them during sleep - so again, increased efficiency.

I also will reread some older posts on daily disciplines, tips on how others got through rough patches on this topic, etc. I do remember it being a common problem, it just hadn't affected me very much till now.

Onward and upward! Colleen