Hi all
After giving UP unproductive busy-ness last week, I have had major breakthru's , and understandings. Without going into great detail- I will just say it has produced major growth for me, and really simplified my life. From this experience, the next step for me is to commit to doing an Evening Review- every night. I realize that this is not a giving Up - unless I look at it like I'm giving UP thinking that the evening review isn't important... a matter of semantics...

I can now see that the majority of my actions were holding me back, creating a smoke screen and preventing me from seeing and understanding what would bring me success. The Evening Review will help me focus on what actions I took, what intuitions I followed, where I can be better next time.

One of the realizations I had last week, is that my busy-ness was keeping me from acknowledging the creative side of myself. My artificial 'productiveness' left no time for creativity. So, from last weeks, challenge, I commit to taking a 2-3 hour block of time each week to engage in extremely non-productive play & exploration - to immerse myself in all the joy I can find. I will schedule this the same as I would any other appointment, and regard it an extremely high priority activity.

So, to continue on with the challenge, I will be conscious of whether my activities move me forward, or just keep me busy. If they feel good- they move me forward- if they feel draining, they are. I will schedule weekly 'play dates' with myself, and continue to allow my creativity to emerge, to see where that takes me. And starting today, I will spend 15-20 minutes journaling an Evening Review, focusing on my breakthru's , synchronicities, opportunities and challenges that occurred during the day, and whether I took advantage of them, or chose to let them pass.
