Hi again - still too soon to tell on my recent recommitment to paraliminals (as I outlined in an above post) but wanted to comment. I am doing the ES ones and Perfect Health and New Behavior Generator.

I do love paraliminals, and when I was doing them more regularly in the past year+, way before I got ES course, they were instrumental in helping me with insomnia/anxiety issues, and some diet/health as well.

I dont know why I got out of the habit except to say I seem to do things in cycles - and I am not the best at developing and sticking to routines.

My best experiences with them were at night. During the day, I would start thinking too much or feeling as though I should be doing my busy-ness instead of something for me. My defenses were "down" in relation to those thoughts at night, since I was "supposed" to be lying down.

The paraliminals did increase my dreaming as well, during consistent use and helped me identify and release, through their symbolism, the anxiety issues in particular. Which helped the insomnia and later the health/diet.

Keep us posted on your progress, the dream log sounds like a great approach.
