Oops, Mea, it's me, French Claire, back again.

I have gone through ES with a fine tooth comb once. Then I got heavily involved with aspects of it that seemed most important to me..... such as releasing (a long diversion as you may notice from my postings).

Next I started to notice the bits of the Law of Attraction that were not addressed sufficiently for my needs by ES. So another diversion to Gay Hendricks The Big Leap and discovering Upper Limiting and self-sabotage stuff. A dabble with Noah St John, and now I am taking Joe Vitale's Expect Miracles apart line by line. I cannot imagine why this book has given me so much insight, but he has filled in so many blanks. One of them has been for me to give myself permission to "be negative" at times. In my sould I knew it is counterproductive to suppress the negative, and Joe gave me the necessary insights to move through and beyond negativity.

All this to say that I now feel really drawn to another session with ES. However I am buzzed to see how much progress I have made. I tried to follow Stevers suggestion and work with the ES paraliminals..... to no avail, I got nothing at all out of it. Then I realised why. I don't need to work through the asking and believing PLs anymore. Why? Because that is work well and truly done. When I moved on to the Receiving PL, and part III of ES, then everything became relevant and exciting again.

So I guess you need to ask (and trust yourself with the answer you get) whether buying all these courses is a mere act of consumerism, or a means of distraction from ES, or do they serve a deeper purpose. For myself I can unequivocally say that ES is 'the good news story', all the focus on positive aspects, but most of us have bashes and dramas and disappointments that (again, for me) could not be dealt with satisfactorily with ES.

Once again, I wish you a sparkling day and the most exciting, rewarding adventures with the ES process.
French Claire