i also apologies for the delay in reply because i am busy in looking for work which bring abundance and meaning to me. i have not yet find the things but i am happy to announce that i am start looking for the new opportunities. the fear which is resting in my mind is start disappearing. i am looking forward to life. when i am alone and find that i am reacting negatively than i use the sedona method and release it. this helps me a lot. i am also using the peak performance paraliminal in the morning and i am starting taking the steps towards the earning good money by doing meaningful work and earn in abundance.

i have not yet found the meaningful work but i found a business which give me flexibility and freedom and good money also. but this is not a meaningful work so i think i have to go forward. now the fear of losing the job is no more. this new business venture give me the sufficient money through which i can pay my bills easily. and this happen in just one day. i saw the opportunity and understand it and start using it. all happen in one day. cannot believe.

and i wanted to thanks all the person who give me support and also give me insight specially French Claire and Margaret Ida. you are diamond in the gem.

thanks to all of you again. and i am agree with you completely about your last reply Margaret and i am going to incorporate this insight in my daily life.

sanjay sharma, india