Hello Sheryll!

Many apologies for this tardy response. I didn't realize this forum was up and running!

I understand exactly what you are referencing when you speak about being 100% responsible for yourself, but also being a caretaker and sometimes resenting it because you feel so responsible for other people's wellbeing. One of the big insights for me was realizing that I am 100 % responsible for my own responses and reactions to people and I have a choice about how much caretaking I choose to do. When I see responsibility that way, I also recognize that sometimes my intervention is definitely not in the best interests of others’ growth. Part of being truly “responsible,” in the bigger sense, is recognizing and respecting the fact that other people have their own life path and some of what they do may not match our ideal vision of how things should go.

As we continue to allow people the freedom to fulfill their learning process, we are freed to continue ours. You are right that this freedom is so expansive it sometimes seems scary, but the more we stay in that expanded place, the more comfortable it becomes. Being true to yourself is the ultimate way to remember and radiate your true light and that will become a beacon to others. While some relationships will fall away as you step into that remembering, those that replace them will be the truly deep and special ones. The path you are on will lead you there. If you need help remembering this, Learning Strategies is here to assist!

One last reminder from Jeddah – “We are all light expanding without end. SPARKLE ON!”

With love,