Great article, thanks so much for that link. I both agree and disagree with some of what he says.

He has other quality stuff on that site, too. There is another article there that talks about a lady who blindly follows people like that--broke and living in her car, she contacted the author asking what to do. He said she should get a job. (Duh!) He even offered to put her and her daughter up in a hotel and help her. But she refused. She said it would go against the LOA!

Folks, since when does the LOA not include attracting work that can provide what you need?? I've had some great jobs, some were high-profile and very high paying, and some were less glamorous, but they all paid highly in one coin or another: the writer/editor job paid well financially and creatively (but lots of stress), and the dishwashing job (with a view of the Grand Tetons) paid in a completely different currency. I can't even say which one I loved the most. LOA brought me in contact with both. And all of them before and after.

Faith is one thing. What this woman and so many of the people at that sweat event are expressing is not faith. It's a sort of insanity that obscures the real gift even when it stares them in the face. If someone thinks of themselves as a "follower" as opposed to being a student or fellow traveler--that's the time to stop and take stock.

Thanks again,
