Hello All,

The natural state of the universe is expansion.

Sit in meditation and notice. Is everything naturally expanding? Is it stagnant? Or, is it contracting?

Encourage expansion. What do you notice? What does it feel like?

Encourage stagnation. What do you notice? What does it feel like?

Encourage contraction. What do you notice? What does it feel like?

Think expansive thoughts. Feel expansive feelings.

Do the same with contracted thoughts and feelings.

Do you notice the difference? Which do you enjoy feeling the most?

Do you experience how feelings of love, kindness, forgiveness, support, and creativity are expansive? And how feelings of anger, jealousy, negativism, and getting even are those of contraction?

Then try the same exercise with expansive speech. Writing. Actions.

Most people will notice the natural ease, lightness, and flow of expansion. Nearly everyone prefers expansion over contraction.

Humans naturally respond favorably to expansion. Contraction causes more contraction and ultimately leads to sickness.

When being with others, when writing, when doing your work, when making decision, always be in the mode of expansion. Notice the difference in how you feel and what you draw back to you. Notice how others respond. Notice how you feel at the end of the day.

When you find yourself in the state of contraction, close your eyes, and simply expand. Feel your body expand. Feel your energy expand. Take on expansive emotions. Simply think a happy thought.You’ll find it easier and easier to shift from contraction to expansion (and to greater and greater expansion).

When writing in this forum, please be in a state of expansion. You will do a world of good for yourself and for others.

When you have questions, criticism, advice, suggestions, or general comments for us, write from expansion. We read everything that is written in the forum. It helps shape who we are and what we do. If you truly want us to do the best work possible, which we believe you do, write from expansion.

If you want to experience more expansion and better understand the design of existence, do Jeddah Mali’s “Seeds of Enlightenment” program.

