
I love that you are going with your intuition and try things out.

In her course Marie is of the opinion that vision boards, activation cards and the like would be hung in the corresponding best directions. The directions are typically as they are with the front door being the one thing to determine which way it faces, since energy from that direction would travel in through the door.

The cures you have placed in the corresponding directions called for by Marie's calculations should be just fine. Perhaps, with your vision board you sensed that the extra energy from the West was necessary. West also represents creativity and communication which greatly lend to an abundance mindset.

You can leave your remedies and cures as they are according to the 20 year, yearly and monthly stars as outlined in Marie's course. Energy flows where attention goes. Be sure that your activation cards are placed with intention, that your outcome is positively stated and any other general space feng shui directions and stars that will support you at this time are activated as well.

All the best!