Making this statement it is very clear you know little of science or strict requirement of experiments in order to pass muster. Her's failed in all respects, it was just simple crap financed by the state, the garbage dump is full of it.

And again, at this time of human evolution there is a host of things that only work for a few but not well with the many.

Go figure, cause this works for a few, as do many other things. However, the human side the equation is most telling and that is all psychology of 'belief' and goodly action.

You want outside validation?
Others have come here and gone beating their heads against their own walls, crying and screaming out for 'outside validation'.

Not everyone can run a 6 minute mile, only the few. The list of things like this is legion.

But no matter, I carry on doing what I know to do today anyway and more tomorrow; as do all others of a disciplined self determining mind.