Originally Posted By: jakalyn
Excuse me for butting in, but I'm quite sure that anyone who is capable of total recall would not be spending their time arguing over the fact on a forum such as this

My motivation for arguing is complex, however...

Those who with near perfect recall also have near perfect 'forgettery' to quote the best of the very best over time made a career thinking out, while demonstrating in front of crowds 5 then 7 things at once. He wrote upside down with both hands, feet, mouth as those in the audience fired off things for him to remember and dictate.

He became a bonafide laboratory animal as behavior scientists dumb founded, had to change their thinking not his. He needed the money.

But he stated over and over again the conscious mind no matter what, cannot remember more than so much for so long and after every single performance he FORGOT everything.

I am personally acquainted with this counsel in dealing with those with very remarkable skill. So Photoreading or picture reading must also be able to draw upon the intuition, time and again after the fact even years later in order 'to know'. And other methods of mental discipline are also required depending upon the person. And what mostly blocks the adroit use of ones on knowing intuition? Lack of confidence sub-vocalized as negative mantras or statements of belief thinking 'facts'!!

There is of course nothing new about this at all, it was generally referred to as 'inspiration', 'subtle confidence' or even channeling.

So those who go around, where there are new learners and righteously pontificate this or that is 'impossible' is what I will confront on and on... here and there as I am pleased to.

Just because.

And here is a quote from one of my ten thousand poems...

"Only by obsession can you grow
Oh limits that have found you
Bound, fettered and gagged, idiot complete
Dare you not speak beyond fate?"

Kind Regards,