What a timely question!

Let's see, all the most detailed information will be in your course. To get started you'll want to work these goals into your activation cards and activate your four personal best directions. Have your husband make goals and activate his four best directions as well. Refer to the Diamond Feng Shui Essentials course for a few great goal setting techniques. You'll find some helpful tips at the back of the booklet of the Essentials kit. Be sure to write your outcomes in positively stated language and in the present tense. This actually starts priming your unconscious neurological networks to hold the intention in your consciousness and start tapping into the internal resources to make it a reality. See pages 28 through 32 of the level one course for your personal energy number, fortune element and best directions.

You can also do success cards specific to the sale of your business, his future with the company, the sale of your current home and buying a new one. Vision boards are helpful too. What kind of community and neighborhood are you wanting to attract in your new state? What kind of position does your husband want? What is the experience you would like to have with this transition? Transitions are important. This would also be a great time to thank your current home, have gratitude for what you have been able to accomplish in your current state and start clearing the space for the new experience and home to come.

Start looking at what would be important to activate and pay attention to in your life at this time in order to make the transition possible. Energy flows where attention goes. What areas do you find necessary to activate to help you transition?

All the best!