We are taught "Be still and know thyself" - "Be still and know that I AM God".

How should we interpret that "Be Still"?

Does God, the Creator, Universal Mind and Intelligence (whatever you choose to call Him) really expect total stillness meaning no motion of the body, sitting still, reaching total relaxation of the body and emptying your mind of all thoughts as Buddhist monks and others have been doing for hundrends of years? Is that what He means for 'stillness'?
If it is so, how does one explain how come with so many ashrams full of such monks meditating hours and hours a day, not one of them has reached "Full Consciousness"? With that I mean the Consciousness state of a Jesus and a Buddha for whom miracles were a way of life and unable to stop them from happening. Not even a Dalai Lama with all his speeches of love and peace has reached that state.

The way I know deep down what that 'stillness' is all about is "total lack of turbulence of the mind and heart, no emotional roller-coaster, no thoughts about the past or the future". In fact, one could "be still" even in doing the normal usual chores one has to do just to cope with living in this dimension, meaning "working meditatively". Being in the present moment: if you are slicing onions, be there fully, without thinking of what somebody has said, what you answered, what you did yesterday, what you have to do tomorrow, and so on. If you are eating, be there fully without thinking of what you have to do next - in being there fully you are also showing appreciation and gratitude for what Nature has provided for you even though you had to work for it.

To be present at all times is the hardest thing to do because we are creatures of habit and we have been conditioned by belief systems, religions, brainwashing, society, past experiences and hope for the future: our surface mind (conscious mind as opposed to our "submerged omniscient mind" (see my message in "Beyond Human - 2012") which is the one which takes care of the millions different kind of chemical processes going on in our body at any given second) has to think of something all the time. Why? Because it is afraid, it feels inadequate, it knows that it knows nothing, that it is not good enough and so it keeps trying to figure out how to make it better.

Our subconscious mind is that part of our conscious mind (surface mind) where all belief systems and past experiences have been buried and can still affect our conscious (surface) mind. How? Our desires and hopes expressed in our conscious mind, before reaching our omniscient mind (which is the one that, being part of the Omniscient Mind of the Creator, will manifest our thoughts and feelings) are first "filtered" through our subconscious mind: so, if in it there is a belief that we are not deserving good things, or wealth, or good health, or that we are not lucky, ect., no matter what we constantly tell ourselves that we desire, it will not come to pass.

Therefore, it is absolutely essential to change what is in our subconscious mind and many tracks mp3 found in Learning Strategies, with their paraliminal messages combined with Brain Wave Entrainment music do just that and they are really very well thought and done especially those found in http://www.Freefromfear.com and the Core Energy Meditation by Kevin Schoeninger of http://www.mindbodytrainingcompany.com.

"Be still and know that I AM God" ... it means: DON'T WANT - DON'T HOPE - DON'T FEAR - JUST BE! - LIVE NOW!
Psychological death is the present.
Dying to yourself each moment until there is no person left and no time. Just the energy of naked observation. At that level, attention is virtue.
Does it mean "empty your own mind"? .... Can you do it?.... NO! .... Because the way to do or reach that is not "to do" but .... "to BE".

And, by the way, we did have somebody "Fully Conscious" on this planet very recently, in fact approx. 40 years ago. His name was Donald Shimoda and we know about him through the book "Illusions" by Richard Bach.
And he did not spend his time meditating, he just was Fully Conscious, born like that by choosing a lifepath which did not accept the"Consensus Reality" of this 3rd dim. And, although his teachings are very interesting and the way Richard Bach writes is so very delightful, there was something in his teachings that left me 'uncomfortable' meaning I did not recognise some of them as TRUE or at least not fully true, but only half true. And let's remember that half truth is NOT truth: in fact it can be understood in many different ways and be quite confusing.
For example: he says that "we are totally free to do anything we want"..... That is true, but only half of the truth: what he did not add was that we are living within the Law of Cause and Effect - giving for regiving. The Law of Balance which applies to this entire Universe. So, sooner or later, what you give you receive.
He also showed very little Love and that tells me that he must have been the incarnation of a 7th dim. Orion being - the rebels ones (see my Message in "Beyond Human - 2012"). Why am I saying that? For two very specific reasons:

1) He is the one who, all of a sudden, one day while teaching thousands of people who were following him, he said to them: "I QUIT" and he suddenly disappeared to reappear in a beautiful brand new airplane landing near Richard Bach's airplane in the Middle West of USA, where he spent a few months that summer with Richard, giving joy-rides to farmers in their airplanes. - And, by the way, that story is not fiction as I was then still living in Italy and during News time we received a flash news from the States saying that "a guy who was being called "the new Messiah" suddenly disappeared in front of thousands of people who had gathered to listen to him."
The reason he gives for quitting the crowds was because he was tired of them wanting miracles while all he wanted was to teach them. So, they wanted miracles...... but what kind of miracles? Did they want money?, or abundance? or a new lover?.... NO! They wanted to be healed! And he could not understand that or love them enough to relieve their pain. He was bored with that. How could that be? I can tell you that that left me wondering for a very long time. I thought that being Fully Conscious meant to be really loving. Well, he was not. He never experienced life as a human in 3rd dim. because he chose to be born fully conscious, so he never experienced pain, suffering, frustration, sadness, grief, guilt or any other negative emotion. He had no idea what it meant to be in 3rd dimension. But he also did not have enough love to wish to be helpful when it costed him nothing because it was enough to get just close enough within his aura to be healed from cancer or anything else, even though he was unaware of doing it.

2) In his state of Consciousness, when he decided he had enough of this dimension, he could have easily 'teleported himself' back to where he came from without physically dying. Instead, what did he do? During a radio-talk-show interview in a small town in the Middle West, instead of answering the questions in a proper, understandle way (as even Richard admits he should have done), he purposely, deliberately provoked a perfectly normal man to get to where their airplanes were parked (in the middle of some field) and shoot him killed knowing fully well what that action was going to do to that man, as he confirmed later to Richard during one of his lucid dreams.

After much reflecting on the matter, I got convinced that he was indeed the incarnation of one of those Orion rebels who have been enslaving mankind on earth (through wrong beliefs systems, religions, their incarnation on earth within ruling, wealthy and powerful families causing wars, conflicts, diseases, misery and death).The surface minds of these beings are still at the forefront making all decisions instead of having surrendered them to the Creator's will.
And sure, he did not cause a war or a conflict but he did cause mental confusion in those people already opened enough to new teachings.
And that is the way they have always behaved, treacherously: tell some truth in order to create credibility and then intermix it with lies or half truth (which is the same) in order to create confusion and thus preventing people from raising their vibrations.

Love and blessings to all,
