Yukala, did you ever notice that people who don't like it when fact conflict with a cherished belief attack the messenger? That's what your passive-aggressive, snide insults are. As it turns out, I am a scientist, and know quite a bit about the scientific method. I also know its limitations, and I spend most of my professional life balancing intuition with hard-nosed analysis, which is what real science is. McNamara's study was not "funded by the state" -- you're just insulting her. It was a good study, with clearcut results. It needs to be followed up with more subjects, as I said. Calling something "garbage" is an easy out. Are you afraid to have your beliefs challenged? The self-righteous pontificator here is you, I'm afraid. Calling a spade a space isn't pontification or righteousness. Being insulting to someone who says things you don't like is. You're the one calling people names and labeling things that challenge you as "garbage," while presenting yourself as an spiritual soul devoted to good works. I know some spiritual souls. They don't behave like that. But angry and fearful people with a need to prove themselves do.