
The most important thing to remember is that an adult must take the personal responsibility for his own activations and goal setting. There are so many things that could have lead to a divorce, furniture placement would probably be an outlying component of divorce behind vital ingredients like communication and intimacy. More than likely we are outside viewers of the after effects of the relationship, the only two people who know the truth of the experience are the two who were involved, your brother and his partner. In addition to that, your brother and his former spouse will also have their own perceptions, filters, and view points of the relationship. Think of it as looking at the same mountain but from different view points.

The best ways to help anyone is to have them do their own activations, to encourage them to have clarity about what they would like to attract in their life. It has to be of his own accord. Areas that are free of clutter, peaceful and harmonious will really help support him in this time as well.

And remember energy flows where attention goes and what we resist persists. If you think about it, the more you concentrate on avoiding divorce it still is divorce that you are sending energy to. Hold space for what is desired and bolster the areas that can be supported. The possbilities for divorce are in anyone's life and so are the possibilities for a great relationship built on mutual values. Sometimes the dissolution of a relationship is not necessarily the worst thing either particularly if it was a harmful relationship. It really is a personal journey.

Perhaps doing a few activations for the relationship with his daughter would be helpful, again, he has to do them and they must be infused with his intentions. West is the area for children and the east for family.

All the best,