Hi Om_shakti:

It never fails to amaze me with the ignorance that most people have about relationships. Your focus needs to be on your life, not your brothers life. If you are in a great relationship then your relationship can be a model for him to follow.

Your replies from others had some good advise, but the "hows" were missing. And there was some arm chair psychology along with some statements that bordered on superstition!

Most beliefs about relationships are greatly distorted. Only 5% of relationships are considered to be functional, and therefore, 95% are not following models that bring happiness to a relationship. When a breakup comes in a relationship, it is always the other persons fault. Their behavior never has anything to do with the breakup. However, it takes two to create the problem.

Therefore, if your brother wants an "everlasting relationship" he first needs to start doing some homework. A person first needs to understand who they are before they can understand others. The person he is going to spend the rest of his life with needs to be his best friend.

Duane V