Hi all,

I've recently purchased the Ultimate You Library and have been focusing on the Anxiety-Free, Belief, New Behaviour Generator and Self-Esteem Supercharger Paraliminals, but I'm not certain that I've been doing everything I can when using them. I was wondering whether I should be focusing on the source of the problem, or the symptom of the problem?

Let me explain: I understand that in my case (and a lot of other people's as well I'm sure), a great deal of my anxiety stems from an inability to accept myself as I am (hence using the Self-Esteem Supercharger), causing a feeling of helplessness etc. However, when I'm feeling anxious I'm not actually thinking "I don't love myself"; I'm thinking and worrying about one of the SYMPTOMS of my anxiety, such as having decreased physical health due to stress, or a chronic lack of confidence because I've got loads of negative inner chat going on.

When using the Anxiety-Free Paraliminal, I am first asked to confirm the problem I'd like to address during that particular sitting. My question is, when using this Paraliminal and selecting a goal, should the problem I focus on be the fear (ie. the TARGET for my anxiety), or should I be more intent on the CAUSE of my anxiety?