In the past I have had high resistence to creating (what I considered) over-sized affirmations. If I claimed "I am a millionaire*" ugly voices in my head started protesting and ridiculing. My logical self also had issues with wild claims like that.

I also felt a lot or resistence to Jack Canfield's constant 'harping on' about wanting yet more billions and wanting to be the world's most read author. Bla. Bla. Bla. Not a goal or aspiration I could get excited by.

Yesterday (new year's day) I made a key discovery. One compelling reason to have MEGA-BIG goals is to counteract all the negativity which is being thrown at us by outside forces such as media (focus on gloom and doom), economists, politicians, well-meaning friends and family (who for our 'protection' insist we scale our dreams down to 'reasonable and attainable' proportions). As stated above, I have forceful inner voices, such as my logical self, my intelligent self, my inner critic, who are enraged when I make 'unrealistic claims' about the life I would like to lead. To reiterate: we need ULTRA-SIZED goals and dreams and to visualise them several times a day to counteract the negativity we encounter daily. Thus is becomes simple maths. MEGA-DREAMS minus "small-mindedness" = YOUR ULTIMATE LIFE.

By the way, I cannot claim this nugget of reasoning to be my own. It came from Allen & Hanson, 2009, "Cash in a Flash". However I do claim this line of reasoning to be useful. It does counteract the negative/limiting input which undermines my ability to believe in my own dreams.

When others start to 'reason' with me, I shall smugly reply, it is just a question of logic and quantum physics. To depart from point A (a limited space) and get to point B (a place of limitless possibility and joy) we need to aim at point c (a mega-goal). Thus A - C = B.**

Enjoy your day. Effortlessly!

* This ultimate irony is this. I am a millionaire, I just never knew it until last year and Effortless Success. I am slowly getting more financially literate. By the simple act of moving out of our €1,000,000.00 heritage home and into another house we own (of far lesser value), I can now convert what was a liability (the house isn't an asset if I live in it) into an asset. So my net worth has been worth over a million for at least ten years and I never realised it because it was my home! My short term goal is to convert this asset into cash to reinvest in real estate while the market is so slow.

** Mathematical stupitidy. While the A - C = B formula makes sense to me, I acknowledge that it may not be an epitome of mathematical reasoning. My husband took one look at it and picked flaws all over it. Perhaps I should say B = C - A? Or express it as AB = AC - BC. I'll leave that to those who specialise mathematical reasoning. Suffice it to say, I know what I mean, and that's primarily what counts!!

Last edited by French Claire; 01/02/10 01:12 PM.