Please! Does anybody...anybody at all out there: know of any independent [study or analysis] which corroborates the wonder of photoreading. There seems to be one or two studies which repudiate it rather harshly

And for the record, i am not a - photoreading sceptic.

I understand very well that the - subconscious mind - is a [super monstrosity of intelligence], it needs to be seduced, tamed and harnessed. Some people are not in good rapport with their subconscious minds...when this happens, poor results are achieved with any art that requres its fullest cooperation; arts such as praying, divination, magic, creative writing, healing, composing music, photoreading etc. And even chatting up on the game...[YES].

A full command of the subconscious mind is necessary for the sensitive arts to bloom.

Thank you.