Hi walkingghost!

There is none. And no plans thereto that I am aware of.

And the originators have been long silent...

And I have no information for same.


That said, it could be nice to go about 'proving' it I suppose but I am not up to being involved with it.

There are a host of known feats by 'the few' and they largely remain unaccepted by society or even scientific communities themselves who are generally often at odds with themselves as to what is the truth.

No religion now extant could 'survive the burden of proof' though I would dearly love to see them put through the drill.

Additionally, I would re-write the whole course and place the training squarely on personal mental discipline and intuitive exercises.

It is not the course itself, it is the ideas involved.

Find your own way to pursue the 'idea working for you', no matter the course or discipline you decide upon.